With Adela Torres
agricultural paradigm
On October 16-18, the Coordination Committee of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSIPM) for relations with the United Nations global Committee on Food Security (CFS) met in Rome, Italy.
Giorgio Trucchi
25 | 10 | 2024

Photo: Rel UITA
The CSIPM is, without a doubt, one of the most important international spaces for civil society organizations working to eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition.
At the meeting, participants exchanged information and analyses on food sovereign and security in the world, as well as sharing the different struggles that are being waged in defense of human rights.
Participants also examined the most pressing challenges in the facilitation process and possible solutions.
They also discussed the preparations for the CSIPM Forum, where the members of the Coordination Committee will have to facilitate the debate and report on the work conducted.
All the organizations that are part of this international space come from sectors that have to do strictly with food issues, including family farmers, pastoralists, small-scale fisherfolk, agricultural and food sector workers, and landless people.
Special attention is given to women, youth, and consumers.
In this context, Adela Torres, general secretary of Sintrainagro (Colombia’s National Union of Agricultural and Livestock Workers) and vice-president of Rel UITA (IUF Latin America), coordinated the Working Group on Global Food Governance.
Among other issues that are key for the sector, the group discussed the new agricultural policies, land tenure, the use of toxic agrochemicals, and the role of both governments and civil society.
“It was a very interesting experience that allowed us to move forward in the search for mechanisms for combating the food insecurity, malnutrition, and hunger that exists in the world, ensuring peoples’ right to enjoy food sovereignty,” Adela Torres told La Rel.
The vice-president of Rel UITA said she was very pleased to see the very high level of analysis, approach to the issues, and specific proposals for solutions.
“There were representatives of organizations from different parts of the world, all very empowered regarding the different issues, making demands with respect to the processes, and putting forward proposals,” Torres explained.
She also said that a document was prepared “containing all the proposals submitted by the Mechanism to the CFS, to be presented to the respective governments”.
One of the strategies identified involves designing events on good practices in agriculture, toward giving them greater visibility.