Campaign to maintain thermal breaks in the meatpacking industry

Corporate health above public health

Foto: divulgaçao

The Labor Prosecutor’s Office, the IUF, and our affiliate organizations CNTA and CONTAC (Brazil’s national confederations of food and related industry workers) are conducting a signature-gathering campaign for a petition to block the proposed amendment to Provisional Measure 927.

The amendment introduces restrictions to the thermal breaks guaranteed under the Consolidated Labor Laws (CLT). At present, workers take 20 minute breaks for every 1 hour and 40 minutes of work in the tasks that are performed under temperatures between 10° C and 15° C.

If the amendment is passed, these breaks will be applied only in sectors with temperatures below 4° C. This would result in only 5 percent of the 500 thousand workers in the country’s meatpacking industry benefitting from such breaks.

For that reason we are asking for your urgent collaboration to sign the petition requesting that Congress vote against this measure.

To give your support, access the campaign by clicking on the following link (Click here). Enter your first name in the «nome» field and your last name in the «sobrenome» field, and then add your email address.

It is very important that you share this campaign with all your contacts.

If conscience does not move Congress to act against this measure, then let us shame legislators into acting in favor of the sector’s workers.

Gerardo Iglesias


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