The pit

As expected, the pandemic exacerbated inequalities between countries and between individuals. In a new and detailed report, Oxfam shows just how vast the gap is.

World champions in greenwashing

The term greenwashing refers to the marketing tactics deployed by companies to appear environmentally friendly to the public. The world’s largest multinational corporations have become experts in the use of such strategies to clean up their images. And the most proficient at it are those that contaminate the most.

Brazil, a toxic agrochemical paradise

The news was featured on the “crime” pages in the press of both countries: On Tuesday, September 28, over 630 kilograms of toxic agrochemicals were seized in Brazil, after being smuggled into the country from neighboring Uruguay. Brazil has long been the South American emporium of toxic agrochemicals, both legal and illegal. The government of Jair Bolsonaro has now turned the country into a paradise for such substances.

Dole’s scheming moves to undermine the union

Agroindustrial Piñas del Bosque S.A. – Finca Muelle, a Costa Rica-based subsidiary of the Standard Fruit Company Dole, has been implementing a systematic anti-union policy, employing several tricks and bringing in outside actors complicit in such practices. Escuela Social Juan XXIII is one of those actors.

Syndicats élaborent un nouveau plan de lutte

Le président de la Confédération Nationale de Travailleurs de l’Alimentation (CNTA) Artur Bueno de Camargo a rapporté à la Rel à propos du blocage de la négociation collective avec le groupe Lactalis Brésil et des difficultés qu’ils subissent en raison de l’attitude hostile de l’entreprise.

Grève imminente à Lactalis Brésil

Les travailleurs du groupe Lactalis, l’entreprise laitière la plus grande du Brésil, et responsable des marques tels que Parmalat, Elegê et Président, ont décidé d’ entrer dans un “état de grève” le mardi 27 juillet dernier, dans les 19 unités de l’entreprise.