Tutti insieme contro il fascismo

Tra il 7 e l’8 novembre si è tenuta la Conferenza del Gruppo Professionale dei Lavoratori Agricoli della UITA (GPTA, per la sua sigla in spagnolo). Tra i temi analizzati, si è data particolare attenzione alla lotta contra l’ondata neofascista che avanza pericolosamente nel mondo.

A silent genocide

Pineapple farming in Costa Rica must be regulated, both its use of toxic agrochemicals and to prevent forms of labor exploitation of its mostly migrant workers and their families.

Righting wrongs

The Union has been alerting the IUF and FELATRAN for a year and a half about the repressive and corrupt attitude of the company’s management in Nicaragua. Manager In this sense, Juan González and Head of Production Alejandra García were timely reported, as were middle management officers, including the warehouse chief and several supervisors.