A dream that is dreamt together

This Wednesday, June 23, the second edition of the Union Round Table: Women and Diverse Gender was held, featuring a presentation by Professor Valeria Saraiva, of the group Families for Diversity, of Bahía, Brazil, on occasion of LGBTI visibility month.

From FIFA to UEFA, the hypocrisy of political correctness

The municipality of Munich asked the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) that the stadium where Germany and Hungary were to play a game on Wednesday, June 23, be lit up in rainbow colors to protest the anti-LGBTI law passed in Budapest, but the regional sport’s higher-ups denied the request.

Unilever and its shadow of casualization and death

Walter Jonathan Bartholin Lillo, a worker at Unilever-ID Logistic (subcontracted by Unilever), died on June 15 as a result of a serious work-related accident suffered as he performed his tasks, and the multinational corporation is not taking responsibility for the incident nor has it issued an official communication of his death.

“A huge success”

Walter Jonathan Bartholin Lillo, trabajador de Unilever-ID Logistic (subcontratada por Unilever), murió el 15 de junio producto de un grave accidente del trabajo durante su labor y la transnacional no se hace cargo del hecho ni lo ha comunicado formalmente. Es una de las consecuencias del proceso de externalización y precarización del trabajo emprendido desde hace tres años en Chile por la firma de origen angloholandés.

“Un gran éxito”

El dirigente de la NGG conversó con La Rel sobre los importantes avances de la última negociación colectiva que estuvo marcada por un largo y complicado proceso, pero que finalmente resultó en una gran victoria para el movimiento sindical alemán en general y para los trabajadores y trabajadoras del sector cárnico en particular.

Mass layoffs at Grupo Calinda

A few days ago, Grupo Calinda, a division of the company Corporación Álvarez & Marín, gathered all the workers of the Bananera Córcega packing plant and informed them that June 30 would be their last day of work. The union rejects the company’s action, requests a meeting with management, and calls on national and international solidarity for support.