L’antisyndicalisme comme dénominateur commun

Le président de CNTA a parlé avec la Rel à propos de la réunion qu’ils ont tenue le 8 juillet dernier, les représentants de CONTAC et CNTA avec des dirigeants qui ont à la française Lactalis dans leur base syndicale. “Nous étions au courant de la conduite antisyndicale de Lactalis, mais, au moins moi, j’ignorais à quel point c’était sérieuse la situation à niveau pays” dit M. Bueno de Camargo.

Layoffs and antiunion actions

Our affiliate SITRACONSTA, the Union of Workers of La Constancia, a Salvadoran subsidiary of AB InBev, denounced the intransigence of the Belgian-Brazilian corporation’s management in the negotiations for improved wage conditions and its continued violation of labor and union rights.

A paradise for the soybean multinational corporation

From the absence of prior consultations to all kinds of operational irregularities and the failure to conduct a thorough environmental impact study, the port that the multinational corporation Cargill has been operating since 2003 on the Tapajós River, in the Brazilian state of Pará, blatantly ignores the most basic environmental regulations, disregards the rights of local indigenous peoples, and negatively affects the economy of the region.

A dream that is dreamt together

This Wednesday, June 23, the second edition of the Union Round Table: Women and Diverse Gender was held, featuring a presentation by Professor Valeria Saraiva, of the group Families for Diversity, of Bahía, Brazil, on occasion of LGBTI visibility month.

From FIFA to UEFA, the hypocrisy of political correctness

The municipality of Munich asked the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) that the stadium where Germany and Hungary were to play a game on Wednesday, June 23, be lit up in rainbow colors to protest the anti-LGBTI law passed in Budapest, but the regional sport’s higher-ups denied the request.

Unilever and its shadow of casualization and death

Walter Jonathan Bartholin Lillo, a worker at Unilever-ID Logistic (subcontracted by Unilever), died on June 15 as a result of a serious work-related accident suffered as he performed his tasks, and the multinational corporation is not taking responsibility for the incident nor has it issued an official communication of his death.