First World Congress of Domestic Workers
Montevideo – Uruguay
Building a global network
First World Congress of Domestic Workers
More than 187 women from 55 countries will gather on October 26-28 to participate as delegates in the First World Congress of the Domestic Workers’ Network, representing a total of 80 organizations.
Montevideo was chosen as the venue for this event co-hosted by Rel-UITA (IUF Latin America), the Uruguayan Union of Domestic Workers, and the PIT-CNT (the country’s sole trade union confederation) because Uruguay was the first country to ratify Convention 189 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) concerning decent work for domestic workers.
Uruguay also has one of Latin America’s most advanced legal frameworks governing the working conditions of domestic workers. Law No. 18,065 of 2006 extends all labor law provisions to domestic workers, granting them the same legal protections as any other worker and guaranteeing their right to participate in collective bargaining.
The Domestic Workers’ Network was launched in 2008 with the support of the IUF and WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing).
The Congress is scheduled to close on Monday, October 28, with the participation of top government officials.