Meeting at the Labor Ministry

The importance of the AB InBev–Coca-Cola and STIBYS agreement

Gerardo Iglesias

7 | 3 | 2025

Photo: Giorgio Trucchi

“It was no easy feat. It was ten days of intense negotiations,” Labor Minister Wilmer Fernández stressed.

The meeting with our affiliate and the General Secretary of the IUF Latin America was held last Monday, March 3, amidst excitement over the country’s primaries, in which Honduran parties chose their candidates for the general elections scheduled for November 2025.

We at the IUF Latin American Regional Office, while not denying the importance of the vigorous international denunciation campaign that achieved high levels of participation, made it clear that the commitment undertaken by the Labor Ministry with the just struggle waged by STIBYS (the Union of Beverage and Related Industry Workers) was a decisive and triggering factor.

“I have a feeling that the labor movement in the country and in the region is not fully conscious of the true dimension of what the Union has succeed in gaining. It would be interesting to systematize the whole process as a legacy for future generations,” the official said.

Photos: Giorgio Trucchi