Costa Rica | UNIONS | CHIQUITA Trade unions file complaint against Chiquita Brand Temporary contracts, permanent precarization Gerardo Iglesias 11 …

Costa Rica | UNIONS | CHIQUITA Trade unions file complaint against Chiquita Brand Temporary contracts, permanent precarization Gerardo Iglesias 11 …
Costa Rica | UNIONS | BANANA Chiquita Brands and its peculiar take on respecting rights Fruits before people A completely …
Switzerland | UNIONS | LGBTI Successful Conference of the IUF LGBTI Committee Much to do, defend, and stand up against …
After more than five years, contract negotiations between the Union of Beverage and Related Industry Workers (STIBYS) and the La Reyna Bottling Company (CBC-Pepsi), have come to a halt.
The multinational fruit company continues to violate worker’s rights
Over 80 technicians, researchers, professors and doctorates in the worker’s health area sign a manifest in favor of NR 36.
Agroindustrial Piñas del Bosque S.A. – Finca Muelle, a Costa Rica-based subsidiary of the Standard Fruit Company Dole, has been implementing a systematic anti-union policy, employing several tricks and bringing in outside actors complicit in such practices. Escuela Social Juan XXIII is one of those actors.
Latin America | UNIONS | LGBTI Fist meeting of the IUF’s Latin American LGBTI Committee In Gisele Adão’s words Pieced …
The situation of the workers of British American Tobacco (formerly Nobleza Piccardo) who were laid off nearly a month ago remains unchanged.
Interviewed by La Rel, Juan Martini, president of the Federation of Tobacco Workers of the Republic of Argentina (FTTRA), informed that there is no change in the situation of the workers of British American Tobacco (formerly Nobleza Piccardo) who were laid off nearly a month ago.