A vigorous and effective denunciation campaign succeeded this past Tuesday, June 9, in blocking the submission to congress of a proposed amendment to Provisional Measure 927, which establishes a 20-minute break for every 1.4 hours worked in meatpacking plants.
Corporate health above public health
The Labor Prosecutor’s Office, the IUF, and our affiliate organizations CNTA and CONTAC (Brazil’s national confederations of food and related industry workers) are conducting a signature-gathering campaign for a petition to block the proposed amendment to Provisional Measure 927.
Pandemic fodder
The health situation in Brazil under the COVID-19 pandemic is a faithful reflection of the institutional mess and the irresponsibility of a government that mocks its people on a daily basis.
JBS, arrogance and greed
April 8 marked another anniversary of the death of Margaret Thatcher, the “Iron Lady,” whose steely eyes looked unmoved upon the suffering masses as they fell by the millions into the abyss of social dispossession.