Latin America | HR | NEOFASCISM ANNOUNCEMENT Rel UITA pulls out of social media platform X The people with the …

Latin America | HR | NEOFASCISM ANNOUNCEMENT Rel UITA pulls out of social media platform X The people with the …
Latin America | WOMEN | CLAMU The other perspective All that is good, like water, springs forth from below The …
Latin America | HEALTH | FOOD GMOs and our daily bread When Frankenstein is serving Argentines have been eating bread …
Latin America | Canada | HEALTH | ENVIRONMENT| HR All that glitters is not gold Masks off The image Canada …
Syngenta is one of the largest multinational corporations in agribusiness. It is a world leader in the sale of toxic agrochemicals and is among the top suppliers of transgenic seeds. A recent study dissects this Swiss-based Chinese government-controlled mega-company, which currently has Latin America as its strongest market.
Human rights organizations estimate that since the coup d’état some 2,000 people have been killed by military forces and another 15,000 have been arrested. The Burmese dictatorship uses repressive tactics that are well known in Latin America.
Latin America | UNIONS | LGBTI Fist meeting of the IUF’s Latin American LGBTI Committee In Gisele Adão’s words Pieced …
This Wednesday, June 23, the second edition of the Union Round Table: Women and Diverse Gender was held, featuring a presentation by Professor Valeria Saraiva, of the group Families for Diversity, of Bahía, Brazil, on occasion of LGBTI visibility month.
The banana industry is one of the leading activities in Latin America because of the level of labor it requires.
This LGBTI pride month, Rel-UITA (IUF Latin America) launched “Trade Unions and Diversity,” a video series featuring first-person accounts of …