Peligran fuentes de trabajo en San Pedro Sula

Ayer miércoles 5, nuestra organización afiliada, el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Bebida y Similares (Stibys), realizó una acción de protesta frente a las instalaciones de Cervecería Hondureña SA (AB- InBev) en San Pedro Sula, denunciando repetidas violaciones del convenio colectivo firmado en 2017.

Human rights organizations back the OHCHR report

Dozens of human rights organizations gathered as the Coalition against Impunity and Convergence against Continuity, having read the human rights violations report issued on Wednesday, January 22, by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), support and ratify the denunciation of the repeated human rights violations perpetrated by the State of Honduras.