A glimmer of hope on the horizon

Julio de los Santos, a Uruguayan rural worker who for years has been practically bedridden and has seen all paths to justice blocked by his country’s courts, has now been given reason to hope, as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is moving forward with his case, which could potentially be brought before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Syngenta laid bare

Syngenta is one of the largest multinational corporations in agribusiness. It is a world leader in the sale of toxic agrochemicals and is among the top suppliers of transgenic seeds. A recent study dissects this Swiss-based Chinese government-controlled mega-company, which currently has Latin America as its strongest market.

A silent genocide

Pineapple farming in Costa Rica must be regulated, both its use of toxic agrochemicals and to prevent forms of labor exploitation of its mostly migrant workers and their families.

World champions in greenwashing

The term greenwashing refers to the marketing tactics deployed by companies to appear environmentally friendly to the public. The world’s largest multinational corporations have become experts in the use of such strategies to clean up their images. And the most proficient at it are those that contaminate the most.

Brazil, a toxic agrochemical paradise

The news was featured on the “crime” pages in the press of both countries: On Tuesday, September 28, over 630 kilograms of toxic agrochemicals were seized in Brazil, after being smuggled into the country from neighboring Uruguay. Brazil has long been the South American emporium of toxic agrochemicals, both legal and illegal. The government of Jair Bolsonaro has now turned the country into a paradise for such substances.