Brazil | MONSANTO | GMOs In the garden of (transgenic) delights The country of anything goes Carlos Amorín 3 | …

Brazil | MONSANTO | GMOs In the garden of (transgenic) delights The country of anything goes Carlos Amorín 3 | …
Brazil | TRADE UNIONS | TOXIC AGROCHEMICALS Carpet bombed agriculture The plague of toxic agrochemicals Toxic agrochemicals and the cartel …
Brazil-Asia Pacific | HR | SLAVERY #sonialivre South Asian trade unions join the campaign Gerardo Iglesias 5 | 8 | …
Brazil | HR | SLAVE LABOR Interview with labor inspector Luciana de Carvalho #SoniaLivre – International Free Sônia Campaign “Sônia …
Brazil | MEATPACKING | JBS A video in its own image and likeness Terminator JBS The largest meat producer in …
Brazil | HEALTH | ENVIRONMENT Toxic agrochemicals, a Brazilian specialty The dunghill of the world Brazil is the country with …
Brazil | TRADE UNIONS | WOMEN Seventh Marcha das Margaridas With Sue Longley Renewed commitment I first met Sue Longley …
Brazil | TRADE UNIONS | WOMEN Seventh Marcha das Margaridas The march of hope We arrived at Brasilia, after a …
Last Wednesday, February 15, the Uruguayan national Belela Herrera, a great champion of human rights recognized throughout the continent, was awarded the Human Rights Journalism Prize in recognition of her decades-long advocacy work.
The murder of British journalist Dom Phillips and indigenous expert Bruno Pereira and the confirmation, on June 16, of the discovery of their dismembered and burnt bodies shocked the world. This violence, however, committed under the cloak of impunity and fueled by the current government’s hate speech, is something that native peoples and their defenders have been suffering for decades.