Labor conflict in Frigocerro
Last Friday, November 11, the IUF Latin American Regional Office (Rel UITA) delivered a letter from the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) to the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou.
Gerardo Iglesias
15 | 11 | 2022

Photo: Rel UITA
The letter calls on the Uruguayan government to take whatever actions are necessary to guarantee decent labor and human conditions for workers of the meatpacking company Frigocerro, highlighting that those conditions are particularly “important in an industry that represents the country globally and positions it in the world”.
“In view of the many abuses perpetrated by this meatpacking company, not only in terms of labor relations and occupational health and safety conditions, but above all with regards to trade union freedoms, our organization stands in solidarity with the sister Federation of Meat and Related Industry Workers (FOICA) in its struggle in defense of freedom of association and labor rights.”
The letter, dated November 7 in Geneva, closes with the following statement: “we are prepared to make this situation known throughout Europe, including in the European Parliament, as we are not going to ignore the just demands of our fellow workers in Uruguay”.